Tuesday, September 27, 2011

It's a small world?

Well, summer is over! It is official. There is a coolness in the morning air signalling the end of summer and that autumn is on her way. How many people have you run into who asked you what you did over your summer vacation? We have two perspectives...we can look at them and honestly say...not much. Stayed in Franklin mostly. It was too hot to do anything anyways. Or we can have the perspective of our children. One of wild wonderment. If you listened to any of your Kindermusik cd's this summer you can say you visited the world! We went to Germany, Japan, Israel, and Russia. What? you may ask...well, yes! On our Zoom Buggy CD alone we have the Polovtsian Dance by Borodin which takes us to Russia, Zum Gali Gali takes us to Israel, Suliram takes us to Indonesia. With just a tad bit of research you can find that Borodin is known for his famous Russian opera "Prince Igor". Now, both of my kids are little...but you can simply show them a map as to where Russia is and tell them that the man who wrote this piece lived there and show them pictures of St. Basil's Cathedral, of some of the animals that live there, and even pictures of snow. This all started because I am a little familiar with Hebrew and noticed that Zum Gali Gali sounded Hebrew and had Hebrew words so I looked it up. The lyrics are wonderful and full of lessons for toddlers. Teamwork, everyone has a place, and to sing while you are working. This goes inline with our simple "toys away, toys away, it's time to put our toys away" song that we learned in Kindermusik. If you go to church you can even teach your kids that Moses, Joshua, King David, were all Hebrews and that Jesus was Jewish of Hebrew descent! This will bring some relevance to this song. On the Fiddle Dee Dee CD there are lots of places to visit. Japan (Usagi, Usagi & Komoriuta), India (Bangara Dance/Bhangra dance), France (Ah! Lesjolis papillons), Britain (Sumer is icumen in Latin). I encourage you to think outside the box as far as "travel". Utilize your child's imagination. Build a castle and call it Britain, drink some "tea" (juice) in your little girl's tea set and call it Japan, wrap some scarves around your body and wave them with your hands as you dance wildly in your living room and go to India, put a beret on and teach your child please and thank you in French and call it France (and while you're at it drink some fancy french latte or something). Don't let your wallet dictate where you take your children. Let your creativity dictate it. Don't count yourself poor by the world's standard! Count yourself rich in imagination and rich in blessings! Music is a gift to your child. One you can afford to give every single day! Zum, gali-gali-gali, Zum gali-gali, Zum, gali-gali-gali, Zum gali-gali, Pioneers all work as one Work as one all pioneers Pioneers all work as one Work as one all pioneers Zum, gali-gali-gali, Zum gali-gali, Zum, gali-gali-gali, Zum gali-gali, Pioneers all work as one Work as one all pioneers Peace shall be for all the world All the world shall be for peace Zum, gali-gali-gali, Zum gali-gali, Zum, gali-gali-gali, Zum gali-gali, From the dawn till setting sun Every one finds work to be done. From the dawn till night does come There's a task for everyone Zum gali gali, gali, Zum gali gali, Zum gali gali, gali, Zum gali gali, Pioneers work hard on the land, Men and women work hand in hand As they labor all day long, They lift their voice in song Let us work, my friends as one Let us work 'til the task is done.