Sunday, April 10, 2011

Do you hear the people sing?

"When the beating of your heart echos the beating of the drum..." is a line from a song in Les Miserables. If you are like me and your TV stays on either NickJr or PBS maybe you have seen the running of the 20th Anniversary of the Broadway musical Les Miserables. I have been so blessed in life and have had the opportunity to see Les Mis on stage. Music is such a vital part of our lives and memories are stirred when we hear even just one line of a song that has entered into our hearts. I am so glad that we have started introducing our girls to music at such a young age through Kindermusik. I have always thought that people who let their kids bang on pots and pans were either brave, crazy or deaf (haha!) and this lead to me not ever allowing a single drum in my house for fear of reckless & noisy banging. However, one morning in Kindermusik Miss Cyndi took out a bag of drums and let the kids play with them and when it was time to put them away, we put them away and moved on to something else. It was very organized (as organized as you can be with kids all under 18 months old!) and my child began to learn that drums are not just simply things to bang on...but a true musical instrument. Very quickly this became her favorite part of Kindermusik and she actually began to cry inconsolably when we had to put them away. She got a drum for Christmas (at Dollar General for $4!!!) and absolutely fell in love with it. She only has access to the sticks if we are in the room and when we are done playing the drum...we put the sticks away and move on to something else. It is so fun to see my child experiencing music in all different ways (drums, shakers, bells, and of course singing) and the song that is in her heart is echoed out through the beating of her drum. I encourage you to introduce new instruments to your children and allow them to make their own music so that you can hear a little bit of the song in their heart.

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